The Virtues of Practicing Subuh Alms Every Day


Sedekah Subuh (Dawn Alms) has many virtues, especially if done regularly every day. In the Hadith, Allah SWT also mentions a series of virtues in almsgiving, including bringing reward and goodness to those who practice it. What are the virtues of practicing Subuh Alms every day?

In fact, almsgiving can be done at any time, indefinitely. But in a hadith, the Prophet Mihammad PBUH said that the choice of time for almsgiving also has its own virtues. And if a Muslim deliberately gives alms at times mentioned by the Apostle, then his almsgiving practice can be of more value.

“A man came to the Messenger of Allaah sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam and asked: O Messenger of Allah, what is the greatest reward? So he replied: That is, you give alms when you are healthy, miserly, afraid of poverty and you dream of becoming a wealthy treasurer. And do not neglect until your life reaches your throat and only then do you distribute your alms, this is for the Fulan and this is for Fulan. And remember, that treasure is indeed for the Fulan.” (H.R. Muslim No 1713)

Also Read:  Kapan Waktu yang Tepat Tunaikan Sedekah Subuh, Sebelum atau Sesudah Salat?

Sedekah Subuh
Illustration of Subuh Alms


Based on the hadith above, it can be concluded that the best time for almsgiving is when we are in good health, frugality, afraid of deprivation, and aspire to become worldly rich people. These are times when we are negligent and unsure of Allah Swt the Most Rich and the All-Giver of Sustenance. So, what about the virtues of almsgiving at Dawn?

The historical hadith of Bukhari Muslim number 5/270 states: “Every early morning at sunrise, Allah sends two angels to the earth. One of the two prayed: O God give the gift (to) the one who gives his treasure. Change to the one who spends wealth because of God. The one angel said: O God perish the wicked.” (HR. Bukhari Muslim)

The hadith became a handle that Illustration of Subuh Alms is one of the main practices Muslims can do. The hadith is also a handle for the Medina-born Indonesian cleric, Sheikh Ali Jaber in echoing the great virtues of Subuh Alms for Muslims.

Also Read: Apa yang Dimaksud Sedekah Subuh dan Praktiknya dalam Ajaran Islam?

Sedekah Subuh di Dompet Dhuafa
Dawn Alms in Dompet Dhuafa


The Virtues of Daily Subuh Alms

Here are a series of virtues of practicing Subuh Almsgiving every day by the word of Allah Swt and the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH:

Removing Sins

In a hadith, the Prophet PBUH said: “Almsgiving can wash away sins as water extinguishes fire.” (HR Tirmidzi). Based on the hadith, we know that almsgiving can wash away our sins. This can happen if we practice Subuh Alms sincerely and istiqamah.

Given Possessions and Multiple Merits

Allah Swt said in the Qur’an surah Al-Baqarah verse 261: “The parable (of the living issued by) those who provide for their property in the way of Allah is similar to a seed that grows seven grains, on each grain a hundred seeds. God multiplies (rewards) for whom he wills. And Allah is all-vast (His gift) again all-knowing.”

From the verse, it is clear that God guarantees that whoever is a servant who gives alms will never be poor. Instead of being deprived, God multiplies the rewards and treasures we expend from unexpected directions. For that, never hesitate to give alms!

Also Read: Muslim Wajib Tahu: Niat Puasa Arafah, Tata Cara dan Keutamaannya!

Sedekah Subuh
Illustration of Subuh Alms


Prayed For By Many

As is well known, alms are issued by Muslims to help needy people. Moreover, if it is done sincerely, even people who receive alms will be able to feel it. If this is the case, the recipient of alms will offer prayers for the alms-giver to always be healthy, happy, and avoid danger and difficulties.

Resisting Host

Almsgiving is also a way to avoid hosts and distress. With regular Subuh almsgiving, then as a way, we ask Allah Swt to be avoided all calamities and disasters. This is also as stated by the Messenger of Allah SAW.

“Treat the sick of you with almsgiving. Verily the almsgiving can dampen the wrath of God, and reject a bad death.” (HR Tirmidzi)

Granted Prayers

According to Sheikh Ali Jaber in his tausyiah, the requests and prayers offered while practicing Alms Dawn will be easily granted. Because in a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH it is mentioned that at Dawn, two angels came down to pray for the servant who inflicted his treasure at Dawn.

“Every time of Dawn, God sends down angels who pray for the one who prays at Dawn. Subuh alms accompanied by prayers can also help grant requests, facilitate sustenance, lift illnesses, and facilitate all affairs,” said Sheikh Ali Jaber.

To make it easier for you to practice Subuh Alms, Dompet Dhuafa provides an online donation portal for Subuh Alms that you can easily access only via smartphone. With Dompet Dhuafa’s online Subuh Alms facility, you can carry out Subuh Alms only from home. In addition, if we channel alms through a professional institution, we can handle whether the money we distribute reaches the needy or not.