The Virtues of Quran Waqf and Its Benefits

Quran Waqf has many benefits, both for waqif and for waqf recipients. This waqf worship has a deep meaning and tremendous importance in preserving and spreading the holy teachings of the Quran. As Muslims, we are of course well aware of how important the Quran is in our lives. By performing the Quran Waqf, we can contribute directly in maintaining the divine heritage for humanity.

The Quran Waqf is a noble act done by setting aside a portion of property or other resources, to distribute the Quran to mankind. This waqf means donating the Quran, the holy book for Muslims, to mosques, educational institutions, da’wah centers, public libraries, or other places that provide access to the wider community, especially to remote areas. It aims to ensure that the Quran is maintained as well as allowing Muslims to learn and understand the messages contained therein.

Important Values of Quran Waqf

Quran Waqf has tremendous importance in order to strengthen education and build a science-based society. Some of these important values include:

  1. Preserving the Quran

The Quran is the source of laws and guidelines for Muslims. Through the Quran Waqf, this holy book can be preserved from possible damage, loss, or neglect.

  1. Spreading Knowledge

Quran Waqf means providing facilities and infrastructure for Islamic education. Thus, the knowledge contained in the Quran can be conveyed and studied more widely and deeply.

Also read: Rukun Wakaf yang Wajib Dipahami Sebelum Memutuskan Berwakaf

  1. Education Development

The Quran Waqf allows the construction of educational institutions that focus on teaching religious sciences. This helps to produce a generation that is intelligent, has noble morals, and loves the Quran.

  1. Jariyah Charity

The implementation of the Quran waqf brings continuous goodness, becoming a jariyah charity for waqf givers. Even though he/she is gone, the reward of everyone who recites the Quran will continue to flow to him/her.

  1. Improving Social Quality

By understanding the Quran and the values contained in it, people become wiser, more tolerant, and have a higher social consciousness.

Also read: Sederet Keutamaan Membaca Alquran Setiap Hari: Sembuh dari Sakit hingga Panen Nikmat

Virtues of Quran Waqf

There are several Qur’anic postulates and hadiths that describe the virtues and benefits of implementing Qur’anWaqf. One of the relevant postulates of the Qur’an is that in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 261, Allah SWT says:

“The example of those who spend their wealth in the cause of Allah is that of a grain that sprouts into seven ears, each bearing one hundred grains. And Allah multiplies (the reward even more) to whoever He wills. For Allah is All-Bountiful, All-Knowing.”

This verse shows that every good deed we do, including the Quan waqf, will get a tremendous reward from Allah SWT.

In addition, there are also hadiths that encourage us to do pious charity and spread religious knowledge. In a hadith narrated by Abu Hurayrah, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

“When the son of Adam (man) has died, his charity is cut off from him, except for three things, namely jariyah alms (alms whose rewards continue to flow), useful knowledge, or pious children who always pray for him.” (Saheeh al-Muslim No. 1631).

This hadith states that the Quran waqf belongs to the category of pious charity that continues to bring benefits even after a person dies.

In another hadith, the Prophet (peace be upon him) once said:

“At best you are the one who studies the Quran and teaches it.” (Saheeh al-Bukhari).

The hadith underlines the virtue for those who study and teach the Quran, which can be realized through the Quran waqf.

Also read: Sertifikat Tanah Wakaf Melindungi Keberlangsungan Amal Jariyah

Quran Waqf Benefits

In addition to such extraordinary virtues, the benefits of waqf are also very big for the community. Here are some of the benefits of Quran waqf:

  1. Increased Religious Knowledge

With the existence of Quran waqf, religious educational institutions can continue to operate and provide true and authentic religious knowledge to future generations.

  1. Supporting Islamic Da’wah

Quran Waqf provides support for da’wah activities and Islamic religious teaching, so that the message of the Quran can be conveyed more effectively and widely.

  1. Helping Reduce Quranic Illiteracy

Quran Waqf can also be used to help people who are still hard to read, especially those who are still illiterate of the Quran. So that they can learn to read and understand the contents of the Quran properly and correctly.

  1. Helping the Islamic Generation to be Proficient in Reciting the Quran

With waqf, we can provide extensive opportunities for the next generation of Islam to be proficient in reciting the Quran.

  1. Investment in the Hereafter

The implementation of the Qur’an waqf is a jariyah investment that will continue to flow rewards for the waqf giver, even after death.

Also read: Bahagiakan Penyandang Tunanetra, Madrasah Istiqlal Jakarta Serahkan Wakaf Al-Qur’an Braille ke Dompet Dhuafa

Quran Waqf with Dompet Dhuafa

Friends, the Quran waqf is a charity that brings many benefits and virtues. By performing the Quran waqf, we participate in spreading the light of Allah’s guidance to all mankind. In the process, we also gain infinite rewards and benefits both in this world and in the hereafter.

Come on, as Muslims who love the Quran, we move together with Dompet Dhuafa to safeguard and spread this divine heritage, so that it continues to flow in human’s life from generation to generation. Through the Quran Waqf, we can ensure that this great heritage is never forgotten and remains a source of light for the civilization of mankind.