Some people may think that natural disasters are punishments sent down by Allah Swt for His negligent and unjust servants. In fact, natural disasters are also part of His compassion for humans. There is no event in the world that occurs without wisdom behind it, including the natural disasters that occur.
The Wisdom Behind Natural Disasters
Natural disasters often leave deep sorrow. However, that doesn’t mean that there are no good things to be gained from it. So that the disasters that occur do not pass us by, we need to look for and take lessons from them.
Allah Swt certainly did not create everything on earth without wisdom and purpose. Friends, here are a series of lessons that we can learn behind natural disasters that befall humans:
Remembering that Allah Swt is Almighty
In every natural disaster that occurs, we need to understand that there is sunnatullah (Allah’s laws) applied in this universe. The existence of ocean tides, volcanic eruptions, stormy winds, and various other natural phenomena are not man-made laws. It all happens because Allah SWT has established His laws.
As humans, we cannot possibly control volcanoes from erupting. Because, if this happens, there will be complex things that will happen on Earth to the seabed. We also cannot eliminate the law of tides, as it has been fixed as a balance on earth.
Natural disasters on earth are only a small part of the calamities that occur. In fact, the universe is vast. From planets, star explosions, galaxies that are getting further apart, and so on.
By doing so, we can understand how Allah’s laws are very complex and lead to balance. This should make us more submissive and obedient to Him. This is because there is nothing that can compete with His power in the entire universe.
Read also: MPZ Dompet Dhuafa Undergoes Capacity Building and Disaster Response Training
Deepening Knowledge
Natural disasters that occur should motivate us to submit and obey Allah. On the other hand, as humans who believe in His laws and power, we must also dig deeper into knowledge.
Remember that deepening our knowledge will not make us further away from Him, quite the opposite. When we know what is happening on Earth, that’s when we will believe more and discover that the greatness of Allah Swt is incomparable to anything on this Earth.
In addition, if we understand the right knowledge, then we can minimise natural disasters, although we cannot completely eliminate them. For example, making earthquake-resistant houses for earthquake-prone areas, making automatic alarms for volcanic eruptions from flowing lava, detecting the direction of wind, rain, and so on. Such knowledge, although discovered by humans, is not actually man’s, but evidence of Allah’s power, as Allah says:
‘Surely in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day are signs (of Allah’s greatness) for the Ulil Albab (people of reason), (those) who remember Allah while standing, sitting or lying down, and they think about the creation of the heavens and the earth (saying), ‘Our Lord, You have not created all this in vain; Glory be to You, protect us from the punishment of hell.’” (QS Ali Imran: 190-191)
The world is only temporary
‘O my people, the life of this world is but a temporary pleasure, and the Hereafter is an everlasting land.’ (QS Ghafir: 39)
The above verse explains that the world is a limited and transitory place. Natural disasters are one form of the limitations of worldly life. It is inversely proportional to life in the hereafter, which is eternal and infinite.
Natural disasters remind us that the Earth can be damaged, human life will find its limits, and we will be faced with the end of the world. The disasters that occur today are a reminder to us that we are still given the opportunity to improve ourselves before a more devastating disaster comes.
Stop Destroying the Earth
‘There is corruption on land and in the sea because of the deeds of men, that Allah may give them some of the consequences of their deeds, that they may return to the right path.’ (QS Ar-Rum: 41)
Through the above verse, Allah swt warns people that the damage and natural disasters that occur on earth are the result of their own hands. Floods, landslides, depletion of soil layers, are examples that natural disasters can occur due to human lust and arrogance.
We as humans may think that natural disasters happen because God wants them to happen. In fact, they can also happen because of man’s own actions. Laziness to think, unwillingness to take care of the Earth, and thinking that this place of life is not something valuable, are things that make this Earth damaged.
If we realise that the Earth is the best place for humans to live provided by God, then we should be grateful and take proper care of it. Unfortunately, there are humans who do wrong and harm themselves.
Disasters Come Unexpectedly
There are natural disasters that we can anticipate, but there are also those that can come at any time, unexpectedly. This can be a reminder that anytime, anywhere, we can be hit by a disaster, and our life in this world is over.
As pious Muslims, we should remember this and prepare ourselves as well as possible without knowing the time.
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Helping Disaster Victims as a Form of Gratitude
If today we are still given the opportunity to enjoy a comfortable life with fresh air, we should be grateful. This gratitude is not only in our hearts and spoken verbally, but it can also be realised by helping our brothers and sisters who have been affected by natural disasters.
In the era of advanced technology, distance and time are no longer a problem. That way, we can share and help them without having to go to the disaster site. Through Dompet Dhuafa, donations collected for disaster victims will be given in the form of medicines, mattresses, food, tarpaulins, public kitchens, and other emergency needs. We never know, it could be that our help can revive their spirit to live as well as save us in this world and the hereafter. By helping others, our lives will be more meaningful.