Before doing tawaf, as Muslims we need to know and understand the pillars and conditions of tawaf and the types of tawaf. Doing tawaf during worship in the Holy Land cannot be done carelessly, some recommendations need to be considered.
In essence, tawaf circles the Kaaba seven times to get closer to the Creator, Allah Almighty. In a hadith it is mentioned that the Holy Prophetsa gave an example to run small in the first three rounds of tawaf, while the remaining four rounds were done by walking. Tawaf can be done outside of Hajj and Umrah, because tawaf is a sunnah worship that can be done at any time to get closer to Him.
Types of Tawaf
The four Imams of the madhhab divide tawaf into five types (lima jenis), namely:
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Tawaf Pilgrimage or Tawaf Ifadah
This tawaf is performed by people who perform Hajj. Tawaf Ifadah is performed after manasik in Mina, including throwing Jumrah Aqabah, slaughtering, shaving or cutting hair, then returning to Makkah, and after arriving there they perform tawaf. Tawaf Ifadah is part of the pillars of Hajj, if it is abandoned then the Hajj is not valid, nor can it be replaced by a fine or dam.
This tawaf is called Tawaf Pilgrimage, because it leaves Mina and makes a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. It was named Tawaf Ifadah because he had returned from Mina to Makkah. It is also called Tawaf Hajj because it is included in the pillars of Hajj.
Tawaf Qudum
When they enter Makkah, this tawaf is performed by people who are far away, not the people of Makkah and its surroundings. This tawaf resembles the prayer of two rakaat tahiyatul masjid. The law of Tawaf Qudum is sunah.
Tawaf Wada’
This tawaf is the last act done by people who perform Hajj when they want to travel from Makkah. Tawaf Wada’ is included in the obligation of Hajj, so if a person leaves it, he sins and must be replaced by a fine or dam. However, this did not cause damage to the Hajj.
Tawaf Nadzar
Tawaf Nadzar is a proclaimed tawaf. Tawaf Nadzar is mandatory because the vow and time can be at any time.
Also Read: Ini Keutamaan dan Makna Tawaf dalam Ibadah Haji dan Umrah
Tawaf Sunnah
Sunnah tawaf is performed every time one enters the Grand Mosque without ihram clothing and not during the Hajj pilgrimage. Therefore, this tawaf can be done at any time if possible, without the need to follow by Sa’i. Thus, if this tawaf is abandoned, it will not impact the destruction of the Hajj, nor will it have consequences on the obligation to pay the dam.
Conditions and Pillars of Tawaf
After recognizing the five types of tawaf, we also need to know the pillars and conditions of tawaf. Like other rituals in Islamic teachings, tawaf also has mandatory conditions and harmony. The difference between the terms and the pillars of tawaf itself determines the existence of legal certainty. However, the pillars of tawaf are part of the essence of tawaf, while the condition of tawaf is something that must exist, but is outside the essence of tawaf. According to the Book of Ushul Fiqh (Kitab Ushul Fiqh), this is by the difference between harmony and tawaf.
Legal Conditions of Tawaf
The following tawaf conditions can determine whether or not tawaf is valid performed by Muslims:
- Sacred of small hadas and great hadas
- Sacred from khabaits (purity of garments from hadas and unclean)
- Closing the aurat
- Male circumcision
- Wearing ihram clothing (the clothes worn are not maghshub clothes, not made of animal skins eaten by meat, and not clothes made of silk or gold)
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Tawaf Pillars
There are several mandatory things in the implementation of tawaf in addition to the tawaf requirements above, namely:
- Intention
- Tawaf on foot
- Starting tawaf from Hajar Aswad
- Put Baitulllah on his left side
- Including Hijir Ismail in tawaf
All bodies must be outside of Jerusalem. If he walks on the trap of the Ka’bah then it is not valid for his tawaf, because the trap of the Ka’bah is part of the Kaaba building. Likewise, if his hand (straight down) is in line with the trap of the Kaaba, then the tawaf is also invalid. This matter is very complicated and rarely people will pay attention to it. Therefore, let us know.
Tawaf is performed between the Kaaba and Maqam Ibrahim
Perfecting seven laps, it can’t be more nor less
Wallahu’alam bisshawab..
May we all be enabled by Allah Almighty to be able to visit Jerusalem, Makkah al Mukaramah to perform Hajj and Umrah. Aamiin..