These are the Most Important People Receiving Alms


Alms are a rewarding field for Muslims. Allah SWT has promised this in surah Al-Hadid verse 18, which states that Allah will multiply the reward and give a noble reward to His servants who give alms. Now, alms can be done easily, but don’t give it to the wrong person. So, who are the essential people entitled to alms?

The Most Important Person Receiving Alms

The following is the order of the most influential people who receive alms based on the Al-Quran and the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad:

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Closest Family

Abu Dawud narrates that the Messenger of Allah said, “Give charity to you! (a man asked the Prophet) I have one dinar. (The Prophet replied) Use it for yourself! (Man asks again). I have one more dinar. (The Prophet answered). Use it for your wife! (Man again asked). I have one more dinar! (The Prophet answered). Use it for your children! (Man says) I still have one more dinar! (The Prophet replied) Use it for your servants! (man says again) I have one more dinar! (The Prophet said) It’s up to you, and you know better how to use it.”

Based on the hadith of Rasulullah SAW above, we can conclude that the family is the first and foremost recipient of alms. Before giving alms to others in need, look at your family first. If your family, starting with your wife, your children, or the family around you, is in condition, then they are the prominent people entitled to receive alms.

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Nearest Neighbour

Narrated by Imam Muslim, the Prophet Muhammad SAW said: “He will not enter paradise whose neighbors are not safe from his unjust deeds.”

Rasulullah SAW encouraged his people to protect and make their neighbours feel safe and comfortable. The order also includes the matter of charity. So if our closest neighbours need help, we must be their helpers in good ways. However, why should the most immediate neighbours be helped first? Because the Prophet SAW once said:

From Aisyah Radhi Allahu’ anhu: “I said, O Messenger of Allah, I have two neighbours, to whom do I give gifts?” He (Rasul SAW) said: “That is to (neighbours) who are closest to your door from you.” (Narrated by al-Bukhari).

The closest neighbour is the first person to help us in trouble, and we also need to do the same to maintain harmony and comfort properly.

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Disaster Victim

Most disaster victims lost the essential things in their lives that were most needed, such as food, a comfortable place to sleep, and difficulties with clean water. Conditions like this certainly feel difficult and sad for them. Therefore, giving alms to disaster victims is one of the main things.

Even though a disaster event is something big, the value of even a tiny alms will still mean a lot to them. For this reason, there is no need to be discouraged if you can only donate a little of your wealth because it will still mean a lot to disaster victims.

Poor and Needy People

Poverty is still a complex problem to solve in our country. There are still many poor people in terms of economy, education, and health. These people are very worthy of giving alms. The form of alms can be in any form, starting from alms of wealth, knowledge, or any form of assistance that can make their lives more prosperous to get out of poverty.

We can also see these poor and needy people in several groups of zakat recipients mentioned in the Al-Quran: the poor, the poor, gharim, ibnu sabil, fisabilillah, amil, riqab, and converts.