This is the Amount of Zakat al-Fitr 2023 and How to Calculate It

Ilustrasi zakat akhir tahun

Zakat al-Fitr 2023 needs to be calculated properly and correctly. Every year, the nominal of zakat al-Fitr always changes. Currency value movements and changes in the price of basic foods cause the value of zakat al-Fitr to differ. As Muslims, we are obliged to pay zakat in accordance with the rules, and done before Eid al-Fitr arrives. It is mandatory for Muslims to understand how to calculate zakat. The following is the amount of zakat al-Fitr and how it is calculated.

Law to Pay Zakat al-Fitr

The implementation of zakat al-Fitr is during the Ramadan month until before the time of Eid prayer on the 1st of Shawwal. Zakat al-Fitr means cleansing the body and soul, to welcome oneself back to pureness when the Eid al-Fitr.

“Take alms from their wealth to purify and bless them.” (QS. At-Tawbah: 103)

All Muslims without exception are obliged to pay zakat al-Fitr. This is based on the hadith narrated from Ibn Umar, he said, “The Messenger of Allah—Sallallâhu ‘alaihi wa sallam—gave Zakat al-Fitr as much as one shâ’ of dried dates, or one shâ’ of wheat, on all Muslims, both sahaya servants and free people, both men and women, both children and adults. He ordered to perform it before the people went out to do the ‘Eid prayer.” (HR. Al-Bukhâri and Muslim)

Newborn babies born before the Maghrib call to prayer on the 1st of Shawwal are also obliged to pay zakat al-Fitr, parents or guardians bear the zakat. People who are sick and unable to pay zakat, then the closest person or family can represent to pay zakat. 

Recipients of zakat al-Fitr consist of eight groups, namely: the faqr; the poor; debtors (unable to pay); amil (zakat administrator); riqab (slaves who want to set themselves free); Converts; sabilillah (one who fights for the interests of Islam); and Ibn Sabil (People run out of expenses on long journeys).

Also Read: Ini Peran Zakat dalam Memberantas Kemiskinan

Form of Zakat Payment

Every Muslim is obliged to spend wealth to pay zakat al-Fitr, during the Ramadan month until before sunrise on Eid al-Fitr day. Muslims can pay zakat al-Fitr 2023 in the form of basic food or cash.

The basic food for zakat al-Fitr is the same as the type of food that people usually consume in general. Each populated area has different types of basic food. As in the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Muslims paid zakat al-Fitr with wheat or dates, as the basic food at that time. In Indonesia, rice can apply to pay zakat al-Fitr 2023. Because in general, rice is the basic food of Indonesia. You need to calculate the nominal cash to pay zakat al-Fitr. The nominal amount of money is in accordance with the price of the applicable basic food.

The Amount of Zakat al-Fitr According to Sharia

According to the hadith narrated by Bukhari Muslim, the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) required zakat al-Fitr of one sha’ of date or one sha’ of wheat on Muslims; Both Sahaya servants and free people, male and female, young and old. He ordered it to be carried out before the people went out to pray.

Recorded in the provisions of Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (Baznas), the amount of rice or basic food in Indonesia weighs 2.5 kg or 3.5 liters per person. Several scholars, one of whom is Shaikh Yuzuf Qardawi, allows zakat al-Fitr to be cashed with money whose nominal value is equivalent to 1 sha’ of wheat, dates, or rice. The nominal money adjusts to the price of rice consumption of the people where the muzakki (people who give zakat) live.

How to Calculate Zakat al-Fitr 2023

If you want to pay zakat al-Fitr with cash, then there are two ways to calculate zakat al-Fitr. First, in accordance with the Decree of the Chairman of BAZNAS No. 10 of 2022 concerning Zakat al-Fitr and Fidyah, the value is equivalent to IDR 45,000 per day/soul. This nominal applies in DKI Jakarta Raya and its surroundings. 

The second way is to look at the price of rice that we usually buy or the price of rice that applies in the area where we pay zakat. Usually, each region has a different price policy. The nominal zakat al-Fitr adjusts to the price of rice in each region. The provincial level Baznas informs nominal of zakat al-Fitr to each mosque administrator.  

However, if you are far from the reach of the mosque and want to pay for zakat al-Fitr 2023 online, you can calculate the cost of zakat al-Fitr based on your personal consumption of basic foods.

For example, you routinely buy rice at a price of Rp 15,000 per kilo, then the calculation method is Rp 15,000 times 2.5 kg equal to Rp 37,500 per person / day. If you bear the expenses of your children, wife, or other family members, then the amount is paid by the number of dependents.

For example, to pay for a zakat of four people, Rp 37,500 times four people, then the amount of zakat al-Fitr payment is Rp 150,000. 

Also Read: Mana yang Utama, Menyalurkan Zakat Fitrah Langsung ke Mustahik Atau Lewat Amil?

Prayer When Paying For Zakat

After calculating the amount of zakat al-Fitr that you need to cash, do not forget to recite the prayer when doing it. Prayer of intention so that the zakat that we distribute online or directly to the mosque gets blessings and rewards. 

Prayer to pay for zakat al-Fitr for yourself:

Prayer: Nawaytu an ukhrija zakaata al-fitri ‘an nafsi fardha lillahi ta’ala.

Meaning: “I intend to issue zakat al-Fitr for myself fardhu because of Allah Almighty.”

Prayer to pay for zakat al-Fitr to represent other people

Prayer: Nawaytu an ukhrija zakaata al-fitri anni wa an jami’i ma yalzimuniy nafaqatuhum syar’an fardhan lillahi ta’ala.

Meaning: “I intend to issue zakat al-Fitr for myself and all those whose livelihoods are dependent on me fardhu because of Allah Almighty.”

Pay for Zakat al-Fitr on Dompet Dhuafa

This is the calculation of zakat al-Fitr 2023 that you can practice at home. Do not miss the time to pay for zakat al-Fitr. The law is fardhu ‘ain, everyone is obliged to do it individually. Paying zakat al-Fitr can be much easier and the benefits are real through Dompet Dhuafa. Hopefully the zakat al-Fitr can cleanse our hearts, wealths, and souls for the better. Aamiin.