This is the Correct Time to Slaughter Sacrificial Animals, Don’t Let Your Sacrifice Be Invalid

imarindo berkurban melalui dompet dhuafa

How many Muslims in this country performed qurbani on Eid-ul-Adha 1445 AH? There are probably thousands to tens of millions of Muslims. Therefore, there will be many qurbani animals that need to be slaughtered. On the other hand, the number of expert butchers is not so many. A good strategy must be devised so that all qurbani animals can be slaughtered on time, in accordance with Islamic law. You don’t want to slaughter them before the time or miss the time. So, when is the correct time to slaughter sacrificial animals according to Islamic teachings? Check out the following explanation.

Are Muslims Obliged to Perform Qurbani?

According to Dompet Dhuafa’s Qurbani Guidebook, the ruling of performing qurbani or slaughtering sacrificial animals for Muslims is sunnah muakadah or highly recommended for those who can afford it. This refers to the majority of Shafi’iyah, Hanbaliyyah, the strongest opinion in Malikiyah, and one of the opinions of Imam Abu Yusuf al-Hanafi. Meanwhile, the ruling of slaughtering qurbani according to Imam Abu Hanifah himself is obligatory for those who can afford it.

Read also: Delaying the Distribution of Qurbani Meat After the Day of Tasyrik? Here’s the ruling

However, specifically for the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the ruling of the sacrifice, which was ordered in the second year of Hijri, is obligatory. As with other voluntary acts of worship performed by the Prophet, such as voluntary prayers and voluntary fasts, it is obligatory for him, but not obligatory for his followers, who then make it a voluntary act. On the other hand, according to the majority of scholars, the sacrifice becomes obligatory for two reasons:

  • By reason of a vow (bi nadzr), such as someone who said: ‘I have made this year’s sacrifice obligatory on me’ or “I have vowed to sacrifice this year”. At that time, the sacrifice becomes obligatory for him.
  • By deciding (bi ta’yîn), i.e. if a person owns a goat and says: ‘This goat I will make sure is sacrificed’, then at that time the sacrifice with that goat becomes obligatory. In this case, it is very different from someone saying, ‘I want to sacrifice this goat’. In that case, it will not be obligatory, because he has not decided on it. And it is different from the previous statement, which was ‘I will make this goat a sacrificial goat’.
Tebar Hewan Kurban (THK) Dompet Dhuafa 1445 H in remote areas of East Nusa Tenggara.

Time to Slaughter Qurbani Animals According to the Shariah

The recommended time to slaughter the sacrificial animals is from sunrise on the day of Eid-ul-Adha. This is after the 2 rak’ah Eid prayer and the light sermon. Thus, there are three conditions that must be considered before slaughtering the sacrificial animals: sunrise, completion of the two Rak’ahs of Eid prayer, and sermon. Then comes the right time to slaughter the sacrificial animals.

Those who did not perform the Eid prayer must estimate or wait for the prayer and sermon to finish from the nearest mosque. Meanwhile, the deadline for slaughtering the sacrificial animals is at sunset on the 13th of Dhu’l-Hijjah.

Read also: Eid Al-Adha Prayer Law and Its Virtues

Narrated Al-Barra’ ibn “Azib: The Messenger of Allah (saws) said: ”Whoever slaughters the sacrificial animal after the Eid al-Adha prayer, his sacrifice is complete, and he is following the Sunnah of the Muslims.’ (Bukhari no. 5546)

If a person slaughters the sacrificial animal before the time or missed the recommended time, such as slaughtering it on the eve of Eid-ul-Adha, then it does not become a sacrifice, but rather a regular charity.

Al-Barra’ ibn “Azib narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: ”The first thing we start with today is the Eid prayer, then we go home and slaughter the sacrificial animal. Whoever does that is in accordance with our Sunnah. As for the one who slaughters the sacrificial animal before the Eid al-Adha prayer, it is only meat that he gives to his family, not the meat of the sacrificial animal.’ (HR Bukhari no. 965)

Tebar Hewan Kurban (THK) Dompet Dhuafa in Nunggi Village, Wera, Bima, on Eid al-Adha 1444 H.

It’s Better to Slaughter Sacrificial Animals in the Daytime

Through the Qur’an, Allah explains that He created the time of day and night for humans. Allah also tells us that humans should work while the sun is visible and take time to rest when the sun has set. This is stated in the Qur’an surah Ar-Ruum.

‘And among the signs of His power is your sleep by night, and by day, and your seeking of a portion of His bounty. Surely in such things there are signs for those who listen.’ (QS Ar-Ruum: 23)

Based on the above verse, the best time to slaughter the sacrificial animal is when the sun starts to rise until the sun sets and is no longer visible.

Although there is no evidence that prohibits us from slaughtering sacrificial animals at night, the slaughtering process will be easier to do in the morning to evening. When night falls, the atmosphere will be dark and it takes extra effort to add light. If the atmosphere is dark, it is difficult to make the sacrificial animals lie on the ground. Thus, the risk of accidents when slaughtering sacrificial animals at night is greater.

Read also: How Many People Are the Cow Sacrifice for and How is the Law?

Furthermore, slaughtering the sacrificial animals during the day also has the advantage of being witnessed by many people. This is in accordance with what Allah has commanded in the Qur’an surah Al-Hajj:

‘That they may witness the benefits to them and that they may mention the name of Allah on the appointed day for the sustenance which Allah has given them in the form of livestock. So, eat some of it and give some to the poor and needy.’ (QS Al-Hajj: 28)

Performing Qurbani with Dompet Dhuafa

Performing qurbani shows that as Muslims, we really love the Creator, Allah SWT. As we know, Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) sacrificed his beloved son, Prophet Ismail (peace be upon him). He did this solely because of Allah’s command. What Prophet Ibrahim did showed that he loved Allah above all else.

Nowadays, qurbani is a moment that is highly anticipated by all Muslims, especially those who live in poverty. For that, Friends, let us perform qurbani not only to worship, but also to share happiness with our brothers and sisters who cannot afford it. Through Dompet Dhuafa, Sahabat can distribute qurbani animals to remote areas of the country, to places that are difficult to reach. So, our brothers and sisters there can enjoy the delicious meat like we do. Let’s fulfil your qurbani through Dompet Dhuafa!