This is the virtue of supporting orphans in the month of Muharram

Isra Mikraj is an important moment that occurs in the month of Muharram. This event also makes the month of Muharram very special for Muslims. Through the Qur’an, Allah Swt also conveyed a series of virtues of the month of Muharram. One of them is that any act of worship performed in the month of Muharram will have its reward multiplied, including helping orphans.

Doing good, loving, and supporting orphans are behaviors that are always exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad Saw. During his life, the Prophet always did these good things to orphans, so that they did not lose their livelihood and father figure in life.

In addition to the Prophet’s example, verses in the Qur’an also instruct Muslims to love and support orphans. So, if this kindness is done in the month of Muharram, then imagine how much reward we can get? Moreover, we have also carved happiness in the hearts of orphans. Masyaallah…

Supporting Orphans in the Month of Muharram

In addition to the fast of Ashura, the 10th of Muharram is also celebrated as Eid al-Fitr of the Orphans by the people of Indonesia. This term stems from a number of assumptions, which are also not free from differences of opinion. In Islam itself, there are only two holidays, namely Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.

Anas reported: The Messenger of Allah (saw) came to Madinah and they (the people of Madinah) made two holidays in which they rejoiced. Then the Messenger of Allah asked: ‘What do these two days mean?’ They replied: ‘We used to play on these two days since the days of Jahiliyyah’. Then the Messenger of Allah said: ‘Verily, Allah has replaced them for you with two feasts that are better than them, namely Adha and al-Fitr‘.” (HR. Abu Daud)

Read also: These 7 Virtues of Almsgiving in the Month of Ramadan Based on Hadith

Another explanation is mentioned in a hadith that the Prophet loved orphans very much and gave a feast for them on the day of Ashura or the tenth day of Muharram. It is also explained in Tanhibul Ghafilin bi-Ahaditsi Sayyidil Anbiyaa-I wal Mursalin as follows:

Whoever fasts on the day of Ashura (the 10th) of Muharram, Allah will give him one thousand angels’ rewards and ten thousand martyrs’ rewards. And whoever wipes the head of an orphan on the day of ‘Ashoora’, Allah will raise his rank for every hair that he wipes.

In the book, there are various differences of opinion regarding the above statement. Not all scholars agree with this, due to different views. However, one thing we can take as wisdom is how the Prophet supported orphans and loved them wholeheartedly. There is nothing to lose for us to follow the prophet’s example by loving and caring for them.

Orphans from various orphanages in Jabodetabek participated in Dompet Dhuafa’s Belanja Bareng Yatim activity. They shopped for Eid needs with happy hearts.

Evidence for the Prophecy of Supporting Orphans

The following verses of the Qur’an instruct Muslims to support orphans:

1.QS An-Nisa: 36
“Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him. And do good to your parents, relatives, orphans, the poor, your near and distant neighbors, and your friends, the unfortunate, and your servants. Verily, Allah does not like those who are arrogant and boast.”

The above verse explains that as Muslims, we must do good, one of which is to orphans. This is because orphans can be saviors and glorify our lives in the afterlife.

2. QS Al Isra: 34
“And do not approach the property of orphans, except in a way that is better (beneficial) until he grows up and fulfill promises; indeed, promises must be held accountable.”

The above verse explains that Muslims are commanded not to approach the property of orphans. The meaning of “approaching” here is to take and make it as a treasure for yourself. This is because orphans must be more needy than us, because their parents are gone and they do not get a living. Instead, we should protect and provide for them instead of taking from them.

2. QS Al Isra: 34
“And do not approach the property of orphans, except in a way that is better (beneficial) until he grows up and fulfill promises; indeed, promises must be held accountable.”

The above verse explains that Muslims are commanded not to approach the property of orphans. The meaning of “approaching” here is to take and make it as a treasure for yourself. This is because orphans must be more needy than us, because their parents are gone and they do not get a living. Instead, we should protect and provide for them instead of taking from them.

Read also: Helping Orphans Shop for Free

3. QS An-Nisa: 10
“Verily, those who eat orphan’s wealth unjustly are swallowing fire in their bellies, and they will enter into a blazing fire (hell).”

In this verse, Allah wants to emphasize that anyone who eats the wealth of orphans will face the heat of hellfire. Allah will also destroy and torment him. Therefore, we should not take what is not rightfully ours and oppress them.

The important thing that we can take from the above verses is that the most important thing is not when we support orphans, but to what extent we have the intention to help ease their burden. Thus, they can live properly and grow into successful children. While we are able to provide material and love for orphans, then give it as well as possible.

Friends, if you have the desire to make orphans happy, you can do it with Dompet Dhuafa. By clicking the link below and carrying out orphan alms, you can help orphans realize their dreams, from living properly to getting access to quality education! Your alms will be the spark that ignites their dreams.