GROBOGAN, CENTRAL JAVA — The scorching sun and the whirlpool of dry season dust brought the Dompet Dhuafa Team to meet Sarmini (29). He is a beneficiary of Tebar Hewan Kurban (THK) 1444 H in Kedung Dal Hamlet, Patas Village, Grobogan Regency, Central Java.
As a housewife, she looks after and cares for her daughter Suci (9). Suci is a Child with Special Needs. Meanwhile, Sarmini’s husband works as a corn farmer whose income depends on the harvest. Either from the abundance of corn or the size of the corn that grows.
“If the corn is fertile and big, you can get how many quintals it is, sister. It’s called fortune, brother, sometimes there is, sometimes it’s difficult,” said Sarmini.
Apart from being a means of worship, Dompet Dhuafa Tebar Hewan Kurban (THK) also aims to increase nutritional value in areas inhabited by people with less economic levels. Based on data processed by IDEAS from BPS, Dompet Dhuafa also chose Grobogan Regency as the selected sacrificial distribution area this year. Because, this region has an average meat consumption of only 0.153 kg/capita/year.
The area of Kedung Dal Hamlet, which is located in the remote area of Grobogan and borders Boyolali is also a concern, because of the difficulty of access to health that enters the hamlet. On the other hand, the threat of stunting and malnutrition is also very real in this environment.
This is what Sarmini now feels. In addition to special needs, doctors diagnosed Suci with malnutrition while seeking treatment in the city center. Suci really needs to get more attention and handling in the process of growth and development.
“Suci used to be malnourished, then there was a posyandu in RT once a month, only there was no nutritional care. Even though she is malnourished, and the doctor also said that her milk needs must be appropriate, so yes, we are trying to meet her needs,” explained Sarmini on Thursday (29/6/2023).
In the midst of his condition, Sarmini still tried to give his best. He sent Suci to the Special School (SLB) which took 1.5 hours to reach from his home. “If you don’t go to school, pity you, sister. Yes, the important thing is that we work as parents, “added Sarmini.
Through Stocking Sacrificial Animals (THK) 1444 H, this is an effort by Dompet Dhuafa to increase nutritional value in the deepest areas. Hopefully, This step can help Sarmini fulfill her daughter’s nutrition, with meat consumption on holidays.
Baca juga: Meski Kesulitan Mengunyah, Mariyem Bersukacita dan Ingin Rasakan Daging Kurban Dompet Dhuafa
To Sarmini, the Dompet Dhuafa Team also explained that the meat given to him right on the Feast of Sacrifice was the entrustment of Telkomsel MTT Employees who mandated their sacrifice to Dompet Dhuafa.
“I thank you very much, brother, it’s really rare for anyone to love like this(sacrificial meat) in this village. There was only after Mr. Nur Cholis(Dai Pemberdaya Cordofa local area) here. So from last year there were sacrificial animals distributed. Before that, there was none, even if there was only one goat and until here, we didn’t get it,” said Sarmini gratefully. (Dompet Dhuafa/Awalia Ramadhani)