THK Moves People’s Livestock with 3 Sure Things

Penjabaran 3 Pasti Program RHK Dompet Dhuafa

JAKARTA — The implementation of qurbani in Indonesia, whose benefits are not evenly distributed to all regions, reflects the income gap between regions in Indonesia. A wide gap exists between urban areas and rural areas. The biggest potential for qurbani comes from the main agglomeration region of Java, where the majority of the Muslim middle class with high purchasing power is located.

Through the Tebar Hewan Kurban (THK) Program, which has been established since 1994, Dompet Dhuafa continues to strive for equitable distribution of qurbani to remote areas of the archipelago. In an effort to broadcast these benefits to reach more beneficiaries, on Friday (5/17/2024), Dompet Dhuafa held a Media Briefing event entitled “How Does Qurbani Drive People’s Livestock?” at Lokananta Terrace Resto, Melawai, Jakarta.

On this occasion, Dompet Dhuafa invited mass media and bloggers to discuss with THK 1445 H Chairman, Bobby P Manullang, CORE Indonesia Senior Researcher, Muhammad Ishak Razak, Dompet Dhuafa Banten Livestock Program Facilitator, Agus Salim, and Dompet Dhuafa Banten Livestock Program Beneficiary, Iwan. The talk show was hosted by Bambang P. Jatmiko as the Economic Desk Editor of

Read also: THK Dompet Dhuafa Gives a Lot of Good at the Indonesia-Malaysia Border

This talk show was hosted by Bambang P. Jatmiko as the Economic Desk Editor of
GM Communication and Technology Dompet Dhuafa, Dian Mulyadi conveyed various strategies in the distribution of THK Dompet Dhuafa.

Before it began, Dompet Dhuafa’s GM of Communication and Technology, Dian Mulyadi, said that Dompet Dhuafa has various strategies, as well as innovations, in the implementation of the 1445 H THK Program targeting communities in all corners of Indonesia. Dompet Dhuafa also fosters entities and a social entrepreneurship climate in the people’s livestock community. In addition, Dompet Dhuafa also seeks to improve the quality of the welfare of farmers and build the best smallholder farming network in Indonesia. On the other hand, this program also runs the livestock business and its derivatives to bring profit, growth, sustainability, and blessings to dhuafa farmers. That way, this effort can break the livestock cartels for the realization of institutional independence through the implementation of a livestock business and its derivatives that are profitable, growing, sustainable, and blessed.

In the procurement and distribution of sacrificial animals in the THK Program, Dompet Dhuafa continues to prioritize quality assessment consisting of four parameters, namely standardized live weight, good physical condition and health, slaughtering process in accordance with Islamic teachings, and distribution of targeted sacrificial meat.

“In the 1445 H THK Program, Dompet Dhuafa raised the theme 3 Pasti, namely Pasti Jantan. In the THK Program, Dompet Dhuafa is committed to ensuring that the sacrificial animals used are male animals, so that we can maintain the meat supply for the next time. Furthermore, Pasti Lolos Quality Control, is the most important thing in providing sacrificial animals so that they are suitable in terms of health quality, optimal weight and age of sacrificial animals that are suitable for use during qurbani later. Also, Definitely Distribution to Remote Areas of the Country, this is Dompet Dhuafa’s commitment in equalizing the consumption of sacrificial meat in areas with a minus supply of sacrificial meat every year. In addition, for distribution to Palestine we send in the form of packages whose sacrificial animals are slaughtered in Brazil, “said Bobby P Manullang.

Read also: Sacrifice Day 1444 H, Dai Pemberdaya Dompet Dhuafa Distributes Meat Alms to Terpecil Village in Grobogan

Bobby P Manullang as Chairman of THK 2024 Dompet Dhuafa explained that Dompet Dhuafa raised the theme 3 Pasti.
Dompet Dhuafa invited mass media and bloggers to a Media Briefing event.

“Through this program, people can buy sacrificial animals through various online channels, so they no longer need to come to the sales location. People can buy sacrificial animals with THK through banking channels, QR codes, online payments, and cooperation with e-commerce. With the convenience offered, Dompet Dhuafa targets this year to distribute 30,000 sacrificial animals,” Bobby concluded.

The THK program itself is a manifestation of a social business model that helps lift the economy of existing fostered farmers. Before Eid al-Adha, local farmers will be given capital and knowledge about livestock. The utilization and development of local potential is what Dompet Dhuafa continues to strive for through community empowerment programs in the livestock sector.

“As much as 40 percent of Indonesia’s meat needs are still imported. It will be very dangerous if we continue to import meat. Not to mention the uneven level of meat consumption in the community. With qurbani, it is hoped that there will be an increase in meat consumption and improved nutrition in rural communities. The growth of the livestock sector has been hampered by the cartel movement. Zakat organizations like Dompet Dhuafa are expected to break the chain of cartel movements in the livestock sector. So that buyers and breeders can directly transact, “said Muhammad Ishak Razak.

Read also: Daiyah Cordofa Adonara Distributes Sacrificial Meat to Solor Island

Muhammad Ishak Razak, Senior Researcher at CORE Indonesia, explained the economy of Kurban.
Agus Salim, Dompet Dhuafa Banten’s farmer assistant.
Iwan as the Beneficiary of Dompet Dhuafa Banten Livestock Program.

“The demand for qurbani in urban areas is quite large, which is why many qurbani animals from regional farmers are absorbed. In fact, it is very rare for these regions to perform qurbani. The presence of Dompet Dhuafa in the Qurbani Animal Stocking Program is a change in qurbani management, so that remote areas that absorb livestock can also feel the presence of qurbani in their area,” said Agus Salim.

Iwan as a beneficiary of the Dompet Dhuafa Banten Livestock Program said, “Every Eid al-Adha, sometimes there is sometimes no qurbani meat. Even if there is only one animal. I initially intervened from the Umar Usman Business Campus with 20 livestock. And Alhamdulillah, this year Dompet Dhuafa Banten encouraged me to continue advancing the farm. Currently, I manage 100 livestock”.

Of course, this program cannot be done alone. Tebar Hewan Kurban Dompet Dhuafa collaborates with various stakeholders in Indonesia. After sacrificing, Dompet Dhuafa will also send a detailed report about the location of the sacrifice. The realization of a social business model that helps lift the economy of local farmers who were once underprivileged, but are now successful, independent, and empowered people. With the empowerment of local farmers, it will certainly erode the nation’s dependence on imported livestock and support the nation’s economy to grow well. (Dompet Dhuafa)

Text and photo: Fatzry Boim
Editors: Dhika Prabowo, Ronna