Together with FoSSEI to Innovate Financial Literacy, Dompet Dhuafa Holds Waqf Seminar at IAIN Ambon

AMBON, MALUKU — The National Seminar on Waqf Goes to Campus (WGTC) was successfully held at IAIN Ambon on July 16, 2024 at the IAIN Ambon Rectorate. This event was included in the series of activities of the XII Regional Scientific Meeting (Temilreg) of FoSSEI Sulselbartra (South, West, Southeast Sulawesi) & Maluku.

The agenda which became a meeting place for all Islamic Economics Study Groups (KSEI) was attended by around 80 student representatives from various campuses in the Sulselbartra & Maluku regions. Not only seminars, the event resulting from Dompet Dhuafa’s collaboration with KSEI FoSSEI IAIN Ambon was also equipped with a variety of interesting activities, such as competitions and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs).

The seminar entitled “Accelerating the Digital Ecosystem, Green Economy and Global Halal Value Chain to Realize a Sustainability Islamic Economy” was filled by competent speakers in their fields. Among others, Arif Machoed, S.E., Ak., MM, as Executive Analyst of the Directorate of Sharia Capital Market Development of OJK, La Januri as Branch Manager of Dompet Dhuafa Maluku, and Dr. Hj Thalhah, MA, representative of IAIN Ambon Lecturer.

Read also: Improving Waqf Literacy among Young People, Dompet Dhuafa Holds National Seminar on Waqf Goes to Campus at USU

The National Seminar on Waqf Goes to Campus 2024 at IAIN Ambon was attended by competent speakers in the field of Islamic economics.

The insights and understanding of the development of Islamic economics in the seminar were then deepened through FGDs which became an intensive discussion forum for KSEI members. Participants were able to exchange ideas and thoughts on current issues in Islamic economics and waqf to produce constructive recommendations for the advancement of Islamic economics in the South Sulawesi & Maluku region.

Vice Chancellor III of IAIN Ambon, M. Faqih Seknun, in his speech expressed the hope that this kind of activity can broaden the participants’ insights into Islamic economics and sharia laws in everyday life. According to him, this seminar is an important momentum to deepen the understanding of Islamic economics among students. This was also supported by the Coordinator of FoSSEI Sulselbartra & Maluku who emphasized the importance of this seminar activity to continue spreading Islamic economic values to the community.

The National Seminar on Waqf Goes to Campus 2024 at IAIN Ambon was attended by more than 80 students from the Sulselbartra & Maluku regions.
The National Seminar on Waqf Goes to Campus 2024 at IAIN Ambon was attended by more than 80 students from the Sulselbartra & Maluku regions.

Read also: Zona Madina hands over productive waqf management surplus to Dompet Dhuafa

Through various activities, this agenda not only aims to expand the spread of waqf literacy among the younger generation. It is also a tangible manifestation of the collective effort to develop and advance the sharia economy in Indonesia, especially in the South Sulawesi & Maluku region. Hopefully, the participants will not only gain new knowledge, but also become more familiar with the treasures of waqf, and be inspired to implement the concept of Islamic economics in real life.

The WGTC 2024 seminar is expected to be the first step in accelerating the development of the digital ecosystem, green economy, and global halal value chain in order to realize a sustainable Islamic economy. (Dompet Dhuafa/Wakaf)

Text and photo: Nurona, Wakaf
Editor: Ronna