Together with inDriver, Distribute 600 Logistics Assistance Packages for Cianjur Earthquake Survivors

CIANJUR, WEST JAVA — Dompet Dhuafa together with inDriver distributed 638 logistical assistance packages for earthquake survivors in Cianjur, on Wednesday (30/11/2022). For three consecutive days (28–30/11/2022), the distribution was massively intensified by the Dompet Dhuafa Disaster Management Center (DMC) team.

As one of the companies engaged in online transportation services, DMC also invites inDrive volunteer partners to jump directly to the affected location points. They witnessed the damaged houses and affected souls who had to evacuate to places with tarpaulins, with access and facilities that were not as good as usual.

In fact, they also felt directly the aftershock that occurred at 16:05, followed by a rumbling sound, on Monday (28/11/2022).

“You can go out for a while,” said one inDriver volunteer as he urged survivors to stay away from buildings at the time.

The distribution points include Tanjakan Village, Padaluyu Village, Cugenang District; Raweuy Village, Mekarsari Village, Cianjur District; and Gandaria Village, Rancagoong Village, Cilaku District and many more.

“It is heartbreaking to witness the impact of the disaster and how it will affect the lives of the people of Cianjur. We believe any help will be helpful, especially in this situation. We hope that the distribution of the logistics assistance package can provide a little relief for earthquake victims,” said Georgy Malkov, Country Manager of inDriver, in a short message on Wednesday (30/11/2022).

Mr. Uwe, one of the survivors in Tanjakan Village, Padaluyu Village, Cugenang District, expressed his gratitude for the assistance he received. “Thank you for your help. We are very grateful and very helpful,” he explained.

Until now, Dompet Dhuafa through the DMC unit, Lembaga Pelayan Masyarakat (LPM), Respons Darurat Kesehatan (RDK) Layanan Kesehatan Cuma-Cuma (LKC), dan Corps Dai Dompet Dhuafa (CORDOFA) has provided SAR & Evacuation services that are able to find 16 casualties buried in the rubble.

There are also Health Services able to help 2,911 people, Food Logistics Distribution Services able to give blessings to 13,693 people, Non-Food Logistics Distribution Services able to help 767 people, Barzah Services able to provide benefits to 43 people, Psychological Services able to help 649 people, and Clean Services That Are Healthy able to provide blessings to 2,398 people (data as of November 29, 2022). A total of 20,477 were helped through Dompet Dhuafa services.

“Thank you for all the help from good friends who were moved in their hearts in helping to deal with survivors affected by the Cianjur earthquake,” explained Haryo Mojopahit as Chief Executive of DMC Dompet Dhuafa (30/11/2022).

All of these services can be implemented through the Indonesia Siap Siaga movement. Thanks to the support of the Indonesia Siap Siaga kindness movement, the community can help ease the burden experienced by survivors of natural disasters.

Those who lose and suffer losses can get through difficult times or emergency responses like this.

Channel your help to bring back the well-being and decent life for survivors by visiting the following link May the affected survivors always be in the protection and blessings of Allah Almighty. (AFP/DMC Dompet Dhuafa)