JAKARTA – Entering two decades, the Lembaga Pengembangan Insani Dompet Dhuafa (LPI DD) held a Public Expose & Education Outlook 2023 on Thursday (22/12/2022) at Rumah Wijaya, South Jakarta. LPI DD, which focuses on managing quality education programs, continues to improve the quality of Indonesian education and strives to make the best contribution to the nation’s weakest node, namely marginalized communities.
The event is titled “Towards Two Decades: Devotion to Empowering Education”. This activity is an annual event attended by Ahmad Shonhaji, Director of Da’wah, Culture and Community Services of Dompet Dhuafa, Herman Budianto, GM of Culture and Education of Dompet Dhuafa, Mulyadi Saputra, Head of LPI DD, Bukik Setiawan, Director of the Learning Teacher Foundation, Ivan Ahda, Deputy Director of the Center for Study, Education and Policy (PSPK), Medira Ferayanti, Head of the Working Group on the Driving School Program of the Directorate General of GTK, and Gusman Yahya as Executive Director of the Indonesian Philanthropy Association.
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Regarding education, Dompet Dhuafa always conforms to its vision to create an empowered society.
“So that the programs always lead to concepts that are always empowered, including in the field of education. So today, we are raising our duty to empower educational programs,” said Herman Budianto, GM of Culture and Education of Dompet Dhuafa.
Dompet Dhuafa’s education pillar always focuses on empowerment so that there is progress in product or program innovation in creating change. Such as being a solution to education problems in Indonesia, alleviating poverty, unemployment, Human Capital Index and others, so that education can make Indonesia a prosperous nation.
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Herman added that Dompet Dhuafa’s strategies through LPI lead to strategies that not only improved education in Indonesia but also became a pioneer in education.
The education model in Dompet Dhuafa is an educational model with character. Ahmad Shonhaji revealed three principles applied by Dompet Dhuafa in empowering education.
“Dompet Dhuafa applies three principles. Service, Empowerment and Defense,” Ahmad Shonhaji said.
The role of Dompet Dhuafa education in the service aspect is to provide literacy programs and community learning opportunities, both formal and non-formal. In empowerment, how Dompet Dhuafa prepares agents of change to improve the community’s economy.
Meanwhile, in the aspect of defence, how to prepare quality improvement programs to increase the capacity of teachers, Indonesian teacher schools, which are ready to answer the needs of the community in the hope of creating a mustahik move to muzakki, how education must be empowering.
KolaborAksi is part of what Dompet Dhuafa upholds, accepting openness and that is part of how Dompet Dhuafa builds stakeholder trust so that they can embrace and jointly develop better education in Indonesia.
The Human Development Institute is allegedly able to build synergies and collaborations to improve the quality of Indonesian education through the best education model.
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In early 2022, LPI DD successfully spread benefits to more than 50,000 people. This shows that the benefits have greatly impacted the development of people’s quality of life.
“In quadrant one, it turns out that the increase is more significant and prosperous, even in the third quadrant absolute poverty decreases, LPI as an impacted program, not charity, but we are in the empowerment genre,” concluded the Head of LPI DD, Mulyadi Saputra.
In practice, LPI DD seeks to answer strategic issues by building an educational ecosystem oriented towards functional education.