JAKARTA — Suffering from tuberculosis (Tb), a woman who lives on Jl. Pasar Senen Dalam VI, RT 015 / RW 004, Senen Village, Central Jakarta, was selected as one of the beneficiaries of the Rumah Harapan (House of Hope) program. The 3×3-meter house of 10 people was demolished and rebuilt to the proper standards.
The woman is Indah Lestari (28), who has lived there since birth. She is currently on medication for Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (Tb RO) for almost a year. “There are only 3 months left,” she said. In the small 2-storey house, she lived with 9 other family members.
Indah’s daily life during the treatment period is only at home. Previously, she was an employee of the store. Then she had to resign because she was detected to have Tb disease. After that, she only relied on existing savings and the mercy/help of others.
Also Read: Kuatkan Ekonomi Penyintas Tb RO dengan Usaha Telur Asin
This program is the first to be implemented in Jakarta thanks to a combination of various parties, including Dompet Dhuafa, Kementerian Kesehatan RI, Kementerian Koordinator Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaan RI, Pemerintah Kota Jakarta Pusat, Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI), Yayasan Arsitektur Hijau Nusantara, POP Tb Indonesia, Lazis Muhammadiyah, and BBKPM Bandung.
On Thursday (23/2/2023) at the Senen Village Office, Central Jakarta, all parties gathered to plan a redevelopment and symbolize the handover of aid to Indah as the beneficiary. Present on this occasion, Dompet Dhuafa Health Division Yeni Purnamasari, Lurah Senen Henny Mahrojah, as well as representatives from other parties, namely the Ministry of Health Windy Oktavina, Coordinating Ministry of PMK Anang Suryano, Lazismu Sholeh Farabi, POP TB Budi Hermawan, BBKPM Bandung Cecep Slamet Budiono, DKI Jakarta Prov Health Office Dwi Rizky, and also all other members of the community.
On her occasion, Yeni said, Dompet Dhuafa plays an active role in the countermeasures and prevention of Tb disease with several integrated programs. Namely by actively discovering Tb cases through Tb community activities, then conducting treatment assistance and ensuring patients are met with medical needs such as nutritional needs, transportation and most recently Rumah Sehat (Healthy House).
Also Read: Bersama Kemenkes dan Sejumlah NGO, Dompet Dhuafa Nyatakan Komitmen Eliminasi Tuberkulosis 2030
In addition to housing support, Dompet Dhuafa provides support through nutritional materials and economic enhancers.
“Rumah Sehat (Healthy House) is Dompet Dhuafa’s latest effort in realizing patients’ hopes to get a more decent house and a house that meets eligibility standards, especially air and sunlight ventilation, so that it can help efforts to break the chain of transmission,” he explained.
According to IAI, his team has started designing beautiful houses since the end of November 2023. It looks a little long because the challenge is quite tough. The 3×3 meter building is completely attached to the neighbouring walls of each side and corner.
“This is a big project for us. Although the physique is small, it has become a big thing. My friends and I from the Indonesian Architects Association sometimes like to be immersed in seeing the small but must be understood with great meaning. Together, we launched Rumah Harapan (House of Hope),” said one of the IAI architects.
Also Read: Dompet Dhuafa Ambil Bagian dalam Peluncuran Aksi PROTEKSI oleh Kemenko PMK
In addition, Senen Village advocates by arranging a building permit (IMB). Although a house measuring 3×3 meters does not have to have an IMB, the village still strives to get an IMB. Because that way, the goodwill of the parties who want to help can be maximized.
“Hopefully, this can be a new hope for the beneficiaries. We want to thank all parties involved in this project,” said Lurah Senen Henny Mahrojah.
Some development things are carried out by cooperation with residents. The target is that this redevelopment will be completed before the upcoming Eid al-Fitr. So, later it can become an Eid gift for Indah.
According to Anang Suryano, this program can later be applied in DKI Jakarta and developed in other regions. “This can be applied not only in DKI Jakarta. It can be broad,” he said.
After this house has been renovated and has recovered from Tb, Indah hopes to get a job soon so that she does not depend on others. (Dompet Dhuafa/Muthohar)