Unison Inaugurates STUKA and Launches “Reportase Puitis” Book by Parni Hadi

Peresmian STUKA dan Peluncuran Buku Reportase Puitis oleh Parni Hadi

TANGERANG, BANTEN – Dompet Dhuafa, through the Institute of Independence (IK) in collaboration with DD Konstruksi, hosted the inauguration of the School of Skilled Workers Program (STUKA) and the launch of the book “Reportase Puitis” by Parni Hadi, the Initiator and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Dompet Dhuafa, at the Wardah IK Building Hall in Karawaci, Tangerang on Wednesday, August 23, 2023, in the morning.

The inaugural ceremony was marked by the presentation of safety helmets by Parni Hadi, Rahmad Riyadi as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Dompet Dhuafa, Herdiansyah as the Director of DD Konstruksi, Rina Fatimah as the General Manager of the Education Division of Dompet Dhuafa, Abdurrahman Usman as the Director of the Institute of Independence, to the beneficiaries of the STUKA Program.

Abdurrahman Usman, in his address, conveyed that the launch of STUKA as a vocational program in the field of construction, with the construction, is expected to support the need for labor in the construction industry and produce competent graduates both in terms of skills and character. in collaboration with DD Konstruksi, STUKA participants will also receive certification.

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“With the prayers and support of teachers, seniors, and the community, in late 2023, the Institute of Independence is launching the Skilled Worker School program in collaboration with DD Konstruksi. This program is the brainchild of our mentor and founder, Mr. Parni Hadi. IK is a philanthropreneurship institution with a multiplier effect. Participants hone their skills, earn an income, and contribute to preserving Dompet Dhuafa’s endowment assets. They will also be certified,” he said.

The Institute of Independence, a vocational training institution that continuously innovates with various training programs for the community, seeks to be a solution to address the skills gap in Indonesia’s workforce. By continuously developing adaptive training programs and strengthening character skills, the Institute of Independence prepares young people to be work-ready, entrepreneurial, and successful.

Peresmian STUKA dan Peluncuran Buku Reportase Puitis oleh Parni Hadi

Indonesia has a large youth population that needs to be equipped with the skills they need to earn a decent living and contribute to the country’s development. According to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), unemployment in Jakarta increased from 377,294 in August 2022 to 397,623 in February 2023.

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In support of this, Rahmad Riyadi shared his experiences regarding skilled workers and his views on the STUKA program.

“I think this program is excellent. It implements the DD One Vision by combining philanthropy and commerce, with the support of DD Konstruksi. This means it is not just a business, but a small business filled with values and focused on sustainability,” he said.

“Speaking of skilled workers, I remember my experience helping foreign refugees. Long story short, they had a comfortable life in their home country, moved and struggled in another country, and eventually found work in the construction industry, where they now thrive and continue their lives. This is an inspiration, how skilled workers are trained to meet high work standards,” Rahmad added.

“Yes, the participants are trained to become experts so they can apply their knowledge directly. This training includes government modules. IK now also incorporates these methods. Don’t forget to pay attention to the completeness of the work and do warm-up exercises before working to avoid injuries. We want to serve as an institution with excellence,” Rahmad Riyadi explained further.

The School of Skilled Workers at IK is one of Dompet Dhuafa’s new portfolio programs, which has continuously learned to serve and empower the less fortunate for 30 years. At the age of 30, Dompet Dhuafa remains committed to spreading the benefits of the goodness it has been doing since its inception.

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Similarly, Parni Hadi, who is now 75 years old, has reflected deeply on the meaning of life as he has grown older. He has come to realize that happiness does not lie in what we possess but in what we give and share with others.

These profound reflections from Parni Hadi led him to write the book titled “Reportase Puitis,” which was launched on that historic day. As a Prophetic Journalist, Parni Hadi seeks to blend the 5W+1H of journalism with the art of emotions. The book launch of “Reportase Puitis” was introduced by Yayat Supriyatna, the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of Dompet Dhuafa.

During the occasion, Yayat Supriyatna conveyed that it is a significant responsibility and has tremendous value and benefits. He said, “Today, we are delighted to witness the journey of his work. May this introduction be a great responsibility and have extraordinary benefits. It is important to note that news can become content, but not all content is necessarily news.”

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The moment was also marked by the signing of the Giant Book Cover of “Reportase Puitis” by Parni Hadi, and the distribution of book gifts to Andi Makmur Makka, a Member of the Board of Trustees of Dompet Dhuafa, Izzuddin Abdul Manaf, a Member of the Sharia Supervisory Board of Dompet Dhuafa, Yuniarko, the Treasurer of the RST Board of Dompet Dhuafa, Rahmad Riyadi, and Puji Astuti, the GM Governance Corporate Affairs of Dompet Dhuafa.

Sharing Words of Wisdom, Parni Hadi addressed the audience, emphasizing that we age and must accept the consequences of aging. As organ functions decline after the age of 35, we should embrace and be grateful for what we have, what is happening now, and what will come.

“I am a Senior Journalist. The spirit of a journalist is freedom, but freedom for justice. Justice for peace. Independent, freedom, for justice, for peace, for all beings. Rahmatan lil alamin,” Parni Hadi exclaimed.

“Especially for journalists, work quickly, accurately, efficiently, economically, beneficially, and with dignity. This is ethics, culture, and religion. I developed this formula based on my experience at Antara News Agency, Republika, RRI, in Germany, and now. The 5W+1H: who, does what, when, where, and how?” he added, eloquently.

“Social media is very influential today, it is fast and promotes the work of journalists. However, I have concerns about the emotional aspect. That’s why writing a book is important; books color social media. We should be concerned about the long-term impact,” Parni Hadi explained.

Regarding STUKA, he explained that the program was born from the idea that many people need jobs and require money. The Dompet Dhuafa trilogy consists of Building Villages, Combating Urban Poverty, and Urban Disaster Management. The name STUKA was chosen because it carries great energy and strong values.

“Mistakes and confusion are natural; they are the beginning of progress. People need work, they need money. The easiest way is to become skilled workers. We decided on the name STUKA to bring energy and big ideas. Remember the DD trilogy. These skilled workers are special, and they are also certified by DD Konstruksi; their diplomas are certified. This is related; freedom fosters creativity,” Parni Hadi expressed.

“Do it with a sense of spirituality. Unite the characteristics of the word ‘Rahsa.’ Emotion, create, work. Know your own emotions and those of others. The message from Sayyidina Ali is that whoever knows themselves knows their God,” Parni Hadi advised.

The next part of the event involved the presentation of birthday gifts from the participants of the Institute of Independence Training, in the form of souvenirs from the Sewing and Maker Space classes to Parni Hadi. The joyous moment became even more colorful when Parni Hadi and his wife, Rita, performed a ceremonial rice cone cutting and shared it with the attendees who were also celebrating their birthdays in August, including Yuyun Wahyuningsih, Abdurrahman Usman, Asep Hendrayana, and Jiyono.

With a sense of solemnity, Juperta Panji and Yuyun Wahyuningsih recited poems written by Parni Hadi, marking the end of the inauguration of the STUKA Program and the launch of the book “Reportase Puitis” on that day. (Dompet Dhuafa/Dhika Prabowo)