Want to Know whether Hajj Valid or Not? Observe the following Compulsory Hajj and Hajj Pilgrimage Conditions


The mandatory requirements for Hajj and the pillars of Hajj are the first and most important things a Muslim think about when he wants to perform at the Haram. The reason is that to perform the pilgrimage, and we need many things ranging from material abilities to physical and psychological strength. For this reason, we cannot miss the mandatory requirements of Hajj and the pillars of Hajj that make our Hajj valid or not in the eyes of religion and Allah Almighty.

Hajj Compulsory Conditions

The compulsory requirements for Hajj itself are different from the pillars of Hajj. This mandatory Hajj requirement is a series of things that make a person obliged to perform Hajj. As we know, Hajj is only compulsory for those who can afford it. Well, there is a mandatory requirement for this Hajj to measure whether someone is exposed to the obligation to perform Hajj. These conditions also determine whether a person enters the obligation to perform Hajj.

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Illustration of pilgrims at the Prophet’s Mosque, Saudi Arabia.

Referring to various information from the Qur’an and hadith, scholars conclude that there are at least seven mandatory conditions for Hajj. Those who meet these requirements are then obligated to perform Hajj. These are the seven mandatory requirements of Hajj as written in the books of Fiqh:

 وشرائط وجوب الحج سبعة الإسلام والبلوغ والعقل والحرية ووجود الراحلة والزاد وتخلية الطريق وإمكان المسير

 It means: “There are seven mandatory Hajj requirements, namely Islam, puberty, intelligence, independence, there are vehicles and provisions, security on the road, and conditions allowing Hajj travel.” (Taqrib on Kifayatul Akhyar, [Beirut, Darul Kutub Al-Ilmiyah: 2001 A.D./1422 H], page 177)

The mandatory Hajj requirements are Islam, puberty, reason, independence, and ability. According to the Hanafi and Maliki Schools, this ability has three components, namely physical strength, the ability of wealth, and security on the way to the Holy Land.

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In addition, the Shafi’i School determines the criteria for ability, which includes seven components:

  • Physical strength.
  • The property’s ability.
  • The availability of means of transportation.
  • The availability of basic needs to be consumed.

At the same time, in the Holy Land, travel, and in the Holy Land is safe. While the Hambali School only states two criteria: the ability of treasure and safety in its journey. This Hambali School refers to the following hadith of the Holy Prophet:

It means: “From Jabir, that Abdullah said: The Prophet (peace be upon him) was ever asked about what is meant by sabil? The Prophet answered provisions and vehicles.” (HR Daruquthni)

Kaaba in Mecca.

Hajj Pilgrimage and Hajj Compulsory

The Shafi’i School distinguishes between the pillars of Hajj and the obligatory Hajj. This distinction does not exist in other worships. This pillar of Hajj is a core part of the Hajj. The pillars of Hajj also determine the validity of the Hajj. If a person leaves the pillars of Hajj, it cannot be replaced by fines or others. As for the compulsory Hajj, if only one of them is abandoned, paying a dam or fine is mandatory.

Regarding the pillars of Hajj, scholars have slight differences in mentioning the pillars of Hajj. Some scholars say there are five points in the pillars of Hajj, while others say there are six. Some scholars separate ihram and ihram intentions as follows:

وأركان الحج خمسة الإحرام والنية والوقوف بعرفة والطواف بالبيت والسعي بين الصفا والمروة

It means: “There are five pillars of Hajj: ihram, intention, wukuf in Arafat, tawaf in Kaaba, and sai in Shafa and Marwa.” (Taqrib on Kifayatul Akhrar)

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Some of them combine ihram and intention in one harmonious count. While they mention shaving as the fifth pillar of Hajj.

واركان الحج خمسة الإحرام مع النية والوقوف بعرفة والطواف بالبيت والسعي بين الصفا والمروة والحلق

It means: “There are five pillars of Hajj: ihram, intention, wukuf in Arafat, tawaf in Kaaba, and sai in Shafa and Marwa, and shaving.” (Matan Abi Syuja)

syarat wajib haji dan rukun haji
Muslims perform Hajj in the Holy Land, Mecca.

While the compulsory Hajj according to Sheikh Sa’id in the Book of Busyral Karim, there are six points of mandatory Hajj, including:

  1.       Mabit in Muzdalifah
  2.       Throw jumrah aqabah seven times
  3.       Throw three jumrah on the day of tasyriq (11, 12, and 13 Zul-Hijah)
  4.       Mabit on the night of tasyriq
  5.       Ihram of miqat
  6.       Tawaf wada

 Although compulsory Hajj does not affect the validity of Hajj, those who leave it intentionally without any age will have sinned for their negligence. Wallahu a’lam. May we all be able to perform Hajj in harmony and obligatory Hajj perfectly.

(Ustaz Ahmad Fauzi Qasim)