BOGOR — To welcome the New Year 1445 Hijri and National Children’s Day 2023, the Community Service Institute Dompet Dhuafa or Lembaga Pelayan Masyarakat (LPM) Dompet Dhuafa (DD) held a Great Children’s Jamboree program. The “Dare to Lead and Speak Up” gathered 100 orphans from junior high school to high school from various regions in Jabodetabek. The event will occur for two days, from Wednesday to Thursday (5-6/7/2023) at Grand Cempaka Resort, Bogor, West Java.
This event officially opened at 11:00 WIB in the Camping Ground area. Also present and accompanied by the participants, Head of LPM DD, Moh Noor Awaluddin Asjhar, Senior Officer of Social Services DD, Kamaludin, and Director of Social Services, Da’wah, and Culture or Layanan Sosial, Dakwah, dan Budaya (LSDB) DD, H Ahmad Shonhaji.
In his speech, Kamaludin said that the purpose of holding this program was in addition to commemorating National Children’s Day and welcoming the New Year 1445 Hijri, this event was also expected to motivate so that it could be helpful for the participants in the future.
“We held this Great Children’s Jamboree to provide games, motivation, etc. Please use it as a provision to go home later and hopefully useful for the future of the younger brothers and sisters. Insyaallah, this event is not only this time, we will strive for a continuation program, “explained Kamaludin.
On a separate occasion, the Director of LSDB DD, Ahmad Shonhaji, expressed his appreciation for implementing this activity.
“This Great Children’s Jamboree event is a positive activity that is useful, especially for orphans. In the future, this program must be managed professionally through partnerships with many institutions to benefit more children,” said Shonhaji.
Furthermore, Awaluddin in the closing ceremony, conveyed a message so that children can make the knowledge gained in this activity a provision for future life.
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“Don’t forget to also pray for us from Dompet Dhuafa and other muzakis and donors so that we can continue to run programs beneficial for younger siblings,” added Awaluddin.
This series of activities was carried out at the Camping Ground with the concept of camping in the peak area close to the river flow. This place was chosen as the location of the event because it has an outdoor concept with the hope that children can not only do activities but also they can get closer and love nature.
Participants received facilities through this event, ranging from outbound medical examinations from DD Free Health Services or Layanan Kesehatan Cuma-Cuma (LKC) DD, child psychology motivation, group games, and art performances. In addition, there was also a sharing session with Ahmad Al Wabil, an alumnus of the 12th batch of SMART Ekselensia Dompet Dhuafa School who is now a 4th-semester student of the Department of Computer Science, Pertamina University, and Annisa Nur Lestari, a S2 student of Qur’an Science who is also an influencer and social media activist.
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Mrs. Sayyidah, the companion of Yayasan Sahidul Hasaniyah Bekasi, said, “We from the companions would like to thank Dompet Dhuafa for this event, which has also guided the participants to be much more mature and provided provisions for them to become leaders in the future,” explained Sayyidah during the closing ceremony.
Rowiyanti (17), one of the participants from Tangerang, also expressed her hopes after participating in this activity. He hopes to gain knowledge and e12erience from great people as well as make friends.
“It’s great to be able to participate in the 2023 Great Children’s Jamboree, the event is exciting, cool, has many friends, and wants to participate again when there is this activity again,” he concluded. (LPM Dompet Dhuafa)