What is Infaq? As it turns out, the answer is here

Although the goals are equally shared, we need to know more deeply the difference between Infaq and almsgiving. Of course, there are many things that we can deepen and take wisdom. Let’s see!

With the treasure or sustenance given by God, we can make lessons and wisdom that it belongs to God. A man entirely owns no treasure. God clearly gave the treasure to His hard-working servants. However, in these efforts, there are rights of others that must be given. That is why Islam strongly advises its people to diligently give alms. Infaq is a form of practice in Islam. What is it and what are the types?

What Is Infaq?

Infaq is an effort or effort in carrying out the commands of Allah Almighty in terms of spending wealth on the path that He knows. Although it seems similar, infaq is different from almsgiving. In infaq, there is no law of nisab or the amount of property to be donated. Infaq recipients are also not restricted, so infaq is classified as a very free charitable service.

Anyone can be subjected to infaq, as long as it is used for the way of good. Infaq recipients are generally an incapacitated group of people and orphans. However, infaq recipients can also come from their own families, such as parents or distant relatives. In fact, Donors can also give infaq to unknown people. For example, to travelers who are traveling long distances and running out of supplies. What is certain is that infaq is given with a full sense of volunteerism.

Types of Infaq

From here, of course, donors can get a clear picture of the definition of infaq. Not only that, it turns out that infaq also consists of several types. The laws of each of these types of infaq also differ from one to another. The types of infaq are:

Mandatory Infaq

One of the most common types of infaq is mandatory infaq. This type of infaq is a charity that someone must practice. If he does not do so, then the person will sin. Examples of mandatory waqf are:

  •         Living for the family
  •         Dowry
  •         Kafarat.

Infaq as Sunnah

The next type of infaq is infaq sunnah. Different from the type of mandatory infaq, no obligation accompanies this type of infaq. However, for those who do it, they will get a reward. The intention to perform infaq sunnah must be based on the desire to give alms in the path Allah knows. Not only does it provide rewards for those who give, but this infaq sunnah can also benefit the recipients. Of course, the nominal for this infaq is determined by each individual. One example of infaq sunnah is infaq jihad or donations to help others.

Infaq as Mubah

The third type of infaq is infaq mubah. There is no prohibition from religion to do this type of infaq. Those who do not do this practice will not get sin. However, those who practice the type of infaq mubah will also not get the reward. 

From this, it is well known that this type of infaq will bring neither reward nor sin to its executor. The executor of this infaq does this type of infaq solely because he really wants to do this because of Allah Almighty. One example of the type of infaq mubah is the provision of property or business capital for farming, trading, and farming.

Infaq as Haram

The latter type of infaq is illegitimate infaq. The giving of this infaq is strictly prohibited by religion. And, whoever does it will get the reward of sin from Allah Almighty. Any kind of infaq can become an illegitimate infaq if the giver’s intention is not based on sincerity. For example, giving infaq to want to be admired by others or get a reward for services or money from others. In other words, illegitimate infaq is a type of infaq based on riya’s feelings.

Infaq is the easiest practice in Islam. Especially with the online infaq service from Dompet Dhuafa. With this service, donors can do charity anywhere and anytime. The digital infaq payment method is also making it easier. Are you interested in trying? Come on, le’ts do infaq at Dompet Dhuafa right now, shall we?