Pilgrimage is a worship that is longed for by all Muslims everywhere. Although Pilgrimage is included in Islam’s fifth pillar (Rukun Islam), in reality, not all Muslims can carry it out. Only some are enabled by Allah Swt to go on Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Allah Swt has also determined the time of Pilgrimage, as He said in QS Al- Baqarah:
“Commitment to Pilgrimage is made in appointed months, whoever commits to performing Pilgrimage, let them stay away from intimate relations, foul language, and arguments during Pilgrimage. Whatever good you do, Allah fully knows of it. Take necessary provisions for the journey—surely the best provision is righteousness. And be mindful of Me, O people of reason.” (QS. Al-Baqarah: 197)
Explanation of Quranic Verses
The verse above, the season or time of Pilgrimage is carried out in several months that are understandable, namely starting from the month of Shawwal, Zulkaidah, to 9 Zul-Hijah, or the 10th night of Zul-Hijah, which is the night of Eid Al-Adha.
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The above verse does not mention the season or time in the redaction. This is done to give the impression that the months already have sanctity in them and the consequences of performing Pilgrimage in that period. This impression, in turn, requires everyone, whether performing Pilgrimage or not, to respect it and maintain its sanctity. The trick is to avoid not only war, but also all kinds of sin.
The understandable months that have been known to the Arabs since before the sending of the Prophet Muhammad Saw. So whoever obliges himself by setting the intention to perform Pilgrimage in those months let him know that there is no rafats or intercourse, no wickedness or bad and evil deeds, and no jidal or quarrels during the pilgrimage period.
The phrase “in those months” implies that Pilgrimage can still be performed even though it is not carried out throughout the month of Shawwal until 9 Dzul-Hijjah. Thus, Pilgrimage is not like Ramadan’s fasting time, which must be carried out from the beginning of Ramadan until the end, except for those who have uzur (obstacles) that can be justified in replacing their fast on other days.
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Certain months that have been understood or known, among others, are the beginning of intending to perform Pilgrimage. In the opinion of most scholars, the intention of the Pilgrimage performed before these months is not valid.
On the other hand, even though the time is so long, which is 2 months and 10 days, there are pilgrimage nights that are not legally carried out except on certain days. Like the wukuf in Arafat which should not be before the 9th of Dzul-Hijjah, nor after the dawn of 10 Dzul-Hijjah. That prolonged time, among other things, is intended to establish intentions, make physical and spiritual preparations, and make journeys that until now—especially in the past—have taken a long time.
(Dompet Dhuafa/Ustaz Ahmad Fauzi Qasim/Ronna)