Sometimes, praying for a Muslim feels difficult when his faith is declining. In fact, prayer-especially fard prayer-is the pillar of religion. Prayer is the most important pillar of Islam, because a person can be said to be a Muslim if he worships Allah Swt through his prayers. However, do we know why prayer is important for a Muslim?
Why is prayer important?
Allah Swt requires all His people to perform fardu prayers five times a day on time. Starting from praying before sunrise, afternoon, evening, at sunset, until nightfall. There is no justifiable reason to leave the prayer. This is in accordance with the words of Allah Swt in the Qur’an:
‘Keep all the (fard) prayers … If you are in a state of fear, pray on foot or on horseback. Then, when you are safe, remember Allah (pray) as He has taught you what you do not know.’ (QS. Al-Baqarah: 238-9)
So, why is prayer important for Islam? Because, prayer is the difference between a Muslim and a disbeliever. The Prophet Muhammad has also said that prayer is the clearest sign that someone is a Muslim. ‘Between man and disbelief is the failure to pray.’ (HR. Muslim)
Read also: Al Jabbar Prayer, What is the impact of this practice on our lives?
The Privileges of Prayer
In prayer there are also many privileges, among others:
Preventing from Evil and Unlawful Acts
Allah says in the Qur’an: ‘Recite the book (Qur’an) that has been revealed to you and establish prayer. Verily, prayer prevents from evil and forbidden deeds. Indeed, the remembrance of Allah (prayer) is greater (in virtue than other acts of worship). Allah knows what you do.’ (QS. Al-‘Ankabut: 45)
Increasing Piety to Allah Swt
Piety is the main goal that a Muslim must achieve in living this life. All the guidance, restrictions, freedoms, rights and education given by Islam are aimed at making a Muslim pious and on the straight path. In this case, prayer has a big role because it increases piety or piety for Muslims.
In the Qur’an, Allah says: ‘This Book (Qur’an) has no doubt in it; (it is) guidance for the pious, (namely) those who believe in the unseen, establish prayer, and spend some of the sustenance We bestow upon them.’ (Qur’an: 2-3)
In another hadith the Prophet Muhammad said: ‘Whoever always establishes the prayer (in time), it will be a light, a proof, and a redemption for him on the Day of Judgement. Otherwise, he will be with Pharaoh, Qarun Haman, and ‘Ubai Ibn Khalaf.’ (HR Ahmad)
Undoing Sins
A hadith from Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) relates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: ‘The five daily prayers, one Friday after another, and one Ramadan after another, are expiation of sins between them, so long as the one who performs them refrains from major sins.’ (HR Muslim)
Elevated to the Level of Being Prayed for by Angels
Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: ‘A man’s prayer in congregation is twenty degrees superior to his prayer in his house or marketplace. For, if a person makes wudu and improves his wudu, then he comes to the mosque, nothing moves him except (the desire for) prayer, and nothing is desired except prayer. So his foot does not take a step except for the reason that his status is raised and his faults are expiated until he enters the mosque. If he has entered the mosque, then he is (counted) in a state of prayer as long as prayer holds him; and the angels will continue to pray for one of you as long as he is in his place of prayer. The angels pray: ‘O Allah, have mercy on him. Forgive him. Accept his repentance’. This continues as long as he does not harm others (by word or deed) and as long as he does not have wudas (as long as his ablution is not broken).’ (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)
Consequences of Abandoning Prayer
The whole purpose of human existence in the world is to worship Allah SWT. However, many times we still disobey His commands, one of which is leaving the prayer. So, what are the consequences for man when he neglects prayer?
Allah says: ‘Then, there will come after them (a generation) of successors who neglect prayer and follow their lusts. They will go astray. Except for those who repent, believe and do righteous deeds, they will enter Paradise and will not be wronged in the least.’ (QS. Maryam: 59-60)
In another Qur’anic verse, Allah says: ‘(The inhabitants of Hell will be asked) “What caused you to enter Saqar (Hell)?” They will answer, “We were not among those who used to pray”.’ (QS. Al-Muddatsir: 42-3)
To emphasise the consequences of not praying, there is also a Prophetic Hadith that explains about people who are lazy in praying.
‘On the Day of Resurrection, the feet of the son of Adam will not move until he is asked about five things (namely): what he spent his life on; in doing what made his youth pass; where he acquired his wealth, and what he spent it on; and what he did in relation to what he knew.’ (HR. At-Tirmidhi)
Read also: Verses from the Quran and Hadiths on Intention That Must Be Known
Knowing the consequences of not praying also tells us why prayer is important. This is because every time we pray, we will continue to remember Allah and all the favours He has given us. Why is prayer important? Because, prayer will also free us from the pressures of work and problems in life to the extent that we will eventually depend solely on Him.
Praying fervently can also increase our spiritual awareness as human beings. Thus, there is an urge to love others and do good, including giving alms. Prayer and almsgiving are interrelated acts of worship. Both are also in the pillars of Islam. By giving alms, we can collectively help overcome socio-economic problems and help those in need to be empowered and independent. For that, don’t abandon prayer and increase almsgiving, Friends! (RQA)