World Breastfeeding Week, Dompet Dhuafa’s Free Health Services Holds Education and Appreciation for Breastfeeding Mothers

LKC Dompet Dhuafa Gelar Edukasi dan Apresiasi untuk Busui

JAKARTA — The program to reduce stunting rates by promoting exclusive breastfeeding continues to be intensified by Dompet Dhuafa through Free Health Services (LKC). One of them is through an event held at World Breastfeeding Week in the RW 011 Healthy Area, Kebayoran Lama Selatan Village, South Jakarta. The action took place on Thursday (3/8/2023) at the Nusa Indah RT 011 Integrated Services Post (Posyandu) Hall, with the number of beneficiaries serving as many as 30 women, consisting of breastfeeding and pregnant women. 

On the sidelines of the activity, Rita Yulita, S.ST, the person in charge of the agenda, said that LKC Dompet Dhuafa wants breastfeeding mothers to have a good understanding of breast milk. This activity is to avoid stunting in children. Because until now, Indonesia still records a high number of stunting children. 

In this action, LKC Dompet Dhuafa also appreciated mothers who have successfully provided exclusive breastfeeding to their children. This action is also an effort to motivate breastfeeding mothers and pregnant women to continue to pay attention and learn and practice giving the baby the best milk.

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LKC Dompet Dhuafa Gelar Edukasi dan Apresiasi untuk Busui

LKC Dompet Dhuafa Gelar Edukasi dan Apresiasi untuk Busui

“This activity aims to foster as much education and information as possible for prospective and breastfeeding mothers. Participants who succeeded in providing exclusive breastfeeding also received appreciation in the form of breastfeeding certificates,” she said.

Still, in the series of World Breastfeeding Week, LKC Dompet Dhuafa also carried out the same action in the Maternal and Child Health Healthy Post Area RW 014, Warakas Village, North Jakarta, on Monday (7/8/2023). The number of beneficiaries of this activity is around 45 pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.

“This activity includes education or an invitation campaign to provide exclusive breastfeeding from 0-6 months and continued until age two. This activity was also filled with cooking demonstrations for breastfeeding mothers: a healthy menu of moringa leaf omelet, vegetable nuggets, and healthy pudding. This series of activities is also an effort to support the program to reduce stunting rates, hoping prospective and breastfeeding mothers can practice this simple menu at their respective homes. Participants were very enthusiastic about participating in this series of activities,” added Rita Yulita.

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LKC Dompet Dhuafa Gelar Edukasi dan Apresiasi untuk Busui
LKC Dompet Dhuafa Gelar Edukasi dan Apresiasi untuk Busui

Leny, one of the Warakas residents who attended the event, admitted that she happily participated in every series of events held by LKC Dompet Dhuafa in her neighborhood. She is also grateful to get a lot of insight into breast milk for her child. She also gained a lot of understanding about complementary foods and what the child and the mother need.

 “I am very grateful. At least this activity adds to my insight into my child’s need for breast milk and adequate nutritional intake to avoid malnutrition,” she said. (Dompet Dhuafa/LKC/Muthohar)