Zona Madina hands over productive waqf management surplus to Dompet Dhuafa

Penyerahan Surplus Wakaf Zona Madina

BOGOR, WEST JAVA — In this day and age, productive waqf management is growing and becoming more innovative. One of the concrete manifestations of innovation in waqf management at Dompet Dhuafa is realized in the Dompet Dhuafa Madina Zone in Parung, Bogor. An area built from Ziswaf (zakat, infaq, sadaqah, and waqf) funds was successfully transformed into a productive asset. The key to the success of the Madina Zone lies in strategic management and development, ensuring that the resulting waqf surplus can continue to support Dompet Dhuafa’s empowerment programs as well as ensuring the sustainability of waqf assets so that they continue to flow rewards for donors.

This year, waqf asset managers in the Madina Zone managed to hand over a surplus of IDR145,128,906, a figure that signifies significant progress in productive waqf management. The surplus is the result of the management of productive waqf assets in the form of Al Madinah Mosque Hall and Guest House managed by the Madina Zone Team. The handover of the waqf surplus was held on Thursday (2/5/2024), in the Dompet Dhuafa Madina Zone Area. Submitted directly by the Director of Zona Madina, Armie Robi, to Iqbal as GM of Waqf Development and Empowerment Dompet Dhuafa.

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The process of handing over productive waqf surplus from the Madina Zone Area to Dompet Dhuafa.

On that occasion, the GM of Waqf Development and Empowerment expressed his gratitude for Zona Madina’s contribution as a waqf asset management partner. He explained, “There is still a lot of potential for the development of waqf assets. Opportunities for cooperation between Zona Madina and other parties must continue to be open as an effort to optimize waqf assets.”

In line with this, Syafie El Bantani as Senior Officer of Waqf Development of Dompet Dhuafa said, “Waqf funds should be placed in the real sector, not only focusing on the financial sector. So that it can encourage the development of productive waqf”. This needs to be done in order to open up great opportunities for wider and more diverse waqf development in the future.

Zona Madina’s waqf surplus is derived from strategic management, including the provision of wedding events, meetings, guest house rentals, and so on.

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The success of productive waqf asset management in Zona Madina in creating surplus is not without strategy. Armie Robi revealed that one of the keys to success is to focus on increasing events and activities in the area. By increasing the number of events, both religious and general, the area becomes more crowded, which in turn increases the productivity opportunities of Madina Zone. This approach not only increases the income of waqf assets, but also provides information and education to visitors about the importance of productive waqf.

Managing productive waqf is not an easy task. Keeping the assets in place and the rewards flowing to the endowers requires a strategy that is not only innovative, but also sustainable. The main challenges are minimizing damage to the assets, maximizing the potential for promotion and marketing, and of course developing supporting facilities. Through initiatives such as monthly events and the development of new facilities, Zona Madina hopes to not only maintain the usefulness of waqf assets, but also develop them to be even more productive.

Zona Madina’s waqf surplus is derived from strategic management, including the provision of wedding events, meetings, guest house rentals, and so on.

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In addition, the strategy to maximize the promotion and marketing of Madina Zone is carried out by intensifying promotion in the form of facility packages. For example, for weddings, meetings, training, and so on. In its development, Zona Madina is also open to collaboration opportunities with various parties to develop the productivity of the area.

Productive waqf management by Dompet Dhuafa’s Madina Zone provides clear evidence that when waqf is managed with the right strategy and productivity-oriented, it can make a significant contribution, not only to the economic development of the ummah, but also to overall social welfare. The transformation of productive waqf through Zona Madina continues to contribute to the development of waqf assets in Indonesia. (Dompet Dhuafa)

Text and photo: Nurona, Waqf
Editor: Ronna